Swiss Mountain Adventure Camp

Brošura Download
Država Švicarska
Organizator Rotary Club Martigny | D 1990
Godina od 15
Godina do 19
Kapacitet 24
Kapacitet iz HR 2
Početak 28.06.2025.
Kraj 12.07.2025.
Rok za prijavu 28.01.2025.
Popunjen Ne
Otkazan Ne
Sezona 2025

Applicants must confirm that they are in excellent physical condition and are well trained. This is a climbing camp and is quite physically challenging.
Preferably, the participants have some experience in mountaineering. Beginners are also welcome, provided they are active in sports.

Rok prijave organizatora 20.01.2025.
Kotizacija 1200 CHF


ID: 36510

Zadnja izmjena

27.01.2025. 07:18

Kapacitet za HR