Summer Camp Mamma Mia

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Država Njemačka
Organizator D1900 Germany
Godina od 15
Godina do 17
Kapacitet 15
Kapacitet iz HR 1
Početak 03.08.2024.
Kraj 11.08.2024.
Rok za prijavu 02.03.2024.
Popunjen Da
Otkazan Ne
Sezona 2024

The program is for teenagers from 15 to 17 years, that love music.

Have you ever dreamt of performing a musical with people from all over the world? People at your age, that can be friends oft he future.
The Mamma Mia Summer Camp is an event, made possible by the Rotary Club Detmold Blomberg, that will give you that experience.

Rok prijave organizatora 30.03.2024.
Kotizacija 300


ID: 34724

Zadnja izmjena

06.03.2024. 06:01

Kapacitet za HR