Brošura | Download |
Država | Turska |
Organizator | Izmir, Ege, Phokaia,Denizli,Bodrum Rotary Clubs | D 2440 |
Godina od | 18 |
Godina do | 25 |
Kapacitet | 12 |
Kapacitet iz HR | 2 |
Početak | 13.07.2025. |
Kraj | 25.07.2025. |
Rok za prijavu | 15.03.2025. |
Popunjen | Ne |
Otkazan | Ne |
Sezona | 2025 |
Program | The programme includes 3 days city life,culture, history, and 3 days with beach, sport activities, fun and party. Second part (2 days) is in Denizli organized by Denizli Rotary Club. It comprises of nature, ancient cities, experience of thermal sources of Pamukkale. Third part (4 days) is in Bodrum organized by Bodrum Rotary Club. Focused on sea, pool activities, fun and a boat tour. |
Info | |
Rok prijave organizatora | 15.06.2025. |
Kotizacija | 960 € |