Flanders Summer Camp
Brošura | Download |
Država | Belgija |
Organizator | Rotary Clubs of Antwerp Area | District 2140 |
Godina od | 18 |
Godina do | 24 |
Kapacitet | 20 |
Kapacitet iz HR | 1 |
Početak | 17.08.2025. |
Kraj | 30.08.2025. |
Rok za prijavu | 02.03.2025. |
Popunjen | Ne |
Otkazan | Ne |
Sezona | 2025 |
Program | A journey “where you arrive as an individual and leave as a team”.Based in the heart of Antwerp, you will discover the city in its many facets. You will enjoy day trips to cities such as Bruges - the Venice of the North - Ghent, Brussels and Mechelen. You will participate in team building activities, savour Flemish delicacies and do much more.. |
Info | |
Rok prijave organizatora | 30.04.2025. |
Kotizacija | 350 € |