See, Sail & Smile

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Organizator RC Cuijk | Rotary NL MDJC
Godina od 16
Godina do 17
Kapacitet 24
Kapacitet iz HR 2
Početak 05.07.2025.
Kraj 12.07.2025.
Rok za prijavu 15.03.2025.
Popunjen Ne
Otkazan Ne
Sezona 2025

Experience life aboard a historic sailing ship as we voyage to some of the most charming Dutch fishing villages. And, of course, no trip to the Netherlands is complete without exploring Amsterdam!

Rok prijave organizatora 31.05.2025.
Kotizacija 480 €


ID: 36744

Zadnja izmjena

10.03.2025. 14:41

Kapacitet za HR