The Netherlands the Dutch way

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Organizator Rotary Clubs Bergh en Deurne- Asten - Someren
Godina od 18
Godina do 20
Kapacitet 16
Kapacitet iz HR 1
Početak 29.06.2024.
Kraj 13.07.2024.
Rok za prijavu 18.03.2024.
Popunjen Ne
Otkazan Ne
Sezona 2024
Info To participate in the camp, you must be open to many different activities which appeal to both your mind and body. It is expected you are in reasonable physical condition, and able to cycle and swim.
Rok prijave organizatora 01.04.2024.
Kotizacija 350


ID: 34822

Zadnja izmjena

16.03.2024. 18:28

Kapacitet za HR