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World Polio Day is 24 October! Mark your calendar to tune in for Rotary International’s World Polio Day Online Global Update, streamed on in multiple languages around the world.
The theme for World Polio Day 2020 is “A win against polio is a win for global health.” The program will provide a status update on Rotary and our partners’ polio eradication efforts, and will also focus on how investment in polio eradication is critical for other global health initiatives, such as the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Are you supporting World Polio Day in your community?
** Download World Polio Day resources at www.endpol.io/wpd
** Register your 2020 World Polio Day event with Rotary: www.endpol.io/regevent
** Share this Facebook event with your network: www.endpol.io/wpdev